Candles are divided into jelly candles, crystal candles, paraffin wax, pearl wax, tea wax …
Making a candle is more accessible than I imagined. Many three-dimensional craft candles are cast after the mold is slightly carved and then colored. I designed a variety of models myself. The problem with higher technical content is in the three-dimensional candle On the mold. It can be used directly after a mold company processes it.
At the same time, DIY is prevalent today in pursuit of personality, fashion, and uniqueness. If you open a stylish candle self-service store and let guests make the candles they envisioned, does it make the fresh things more fresh? And emphasize the production Fun; when guests make beautiful candles, they will appreciate it with heart and naturally emphasize the ornamental.
When the fragrance diffuses in the room, the effect will show on the body——
Respiratory tract: through the sense of smell, through the blood to every part of the body. Because the mucosa in the nasal cavity is acidic, it can effectively absorb substances.
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Lung exchange: After entering the lungs from the respiratory tract, the alveolar oxygen is transported from the blood vessels to the whole body.
Brain center: The olfactory receiver directly enters the brain’s central system, prompting the brain to secrete hormones. Different tastes can cause the brain to secrete other hormones. Hormones are composed of many chemical components and are transmitted to cells in various body parts. To achieve the efficacy of treatment.
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When referring to the “healing” effect, different aromas emitted by other scented candles will also produce different results, such as chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, etc., because sweetness is the leading tone in the taste, and it helps to eliminate Melancholy. As for floral fragrances, such as jasmine, rose, lily, and chrysanthemum, all have aphrodisiac effects, which can eradicate unpleasant feelings in the heart and accelerate blood circulation. Some plants such as lavender, tea tree, and cypress can bring healing functions, calm the body and mind, and have antibacterial effects.